Thursday, July 31, 2008

Who Am I?...

Most of this post is me thinking out-loud.

Who am I....

This is something I've been processing lately. I have taken many personality tests over the years and they have all varied greatly in their results. I've never said "yes! that's EXACTLY me!" I recently took a Strength Finder 2.0 test before our Apartment Life retreat. It was unlike any other test I've taken. The end result was 5 of my top strengths which co-insides with a book that explains in more detail what all of these strengths mean. I read them all and but again felt like nothing pin-pointed me...

There was one sentence in one of the strengths (I don't remember which one) that stood out to me. It said something like "this person is great at finding a need a filling it, regardless of what it is." Ah ha! I think we have something here. I've said several times to Chase that sometimes I don't feel like I can define myself or what I'm good at because it's forever changing. If I see a need for a leader of a group, I'll lead. If I'm in a room full of talkers, I listen. If someone needs ideas, I give them. If an implementer is needed, I implement. Am I passionate about any one of those things? Not really. Do I mind doing them? Not at all!

I kind of feel like an ever-evolving person...maybe like a cameleon, except I take on the color that is needed instead of the color that blends-in. I don't think that analogy made any sense to anyone but me... Oh well.

The only thing that I know I LOVE doing, is serving in a very tangible way. This looks different depending on the situation. I love being available to anticipate someones needs and being able to serve them before they even know they need it.

So, I think I'm learning more of who I am...which is a lot of things. For a long time I felt like I just didn't know myself well enough because I could never pin-point my strengths. I'm still processing all of this but now I'm more secure in constantly changing to meet needs and serve.


Chrys and Mike said...

you definitely have a servant's heart. i was so blessed not long after i met you when you offered to come over and help/babysit while i was on bedrest. that really touched me and i'll always remember it.


Danielle Kanka said...

Hey friend that totally sounds like you!!! When I worked for MBC they had me take the same test and read the strengths finder book too! It's neat to think about though. I found that knowing my strengths and learning my myers-briggs personality blew me away! I used to struggle with trying to understand why I seemed so different from everyone else...I could never put my finger on it. Now I'm beginning to piece it all together and it's totally helped James and I understand each other's character tendencies. So congrats on the road to discovery!!! I'm so glad you had an ah-ha moment!!!Even if it's just one to start with, it's definitely a good thing! Now I'm interested in finding more about what you find!!! I love you and can't wait to see you!!! I'm so happy I don't have to wait too long to see you!!! :)

Ashley said...

Hey! I guess I will be seeing you more often now that Josh McDowell Ministries asked me to work for them! :) haha I'm very excited! :) I start a week from today (Wednesday, August 13). I can't wait! :)

Ashley said...

Yeah - now I'm starting Monday because my employer decided that I didn't need to stay like they thought I would. :) I'm excited to get to know you on a more day-to-day basis too!! :) yayay!

Lauren said...

Hi...Thanks for praying for us. We had a great time touring the South West. I ended up being stuck in Dallas for a few hours. I was going to call you and then I realized I didn't have your number so I tried calling Rob but his phone was off because he was in training. So I ended up sitting in the USO. Although I've got to say Dallas' USO wasn't too shabby.