Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Joys

The girls are down for a nap so I have a few minutes to write and catch everyone up on our life.

We were on an Apartment Life retreat this past weekend at this amazing log-cabin-style mansion lake house about 2 hours away. I was a little concerned about taking the girls since I didn't know how they would react to seeing 40 people all at once but they did great for the most part. We had a lot of fun swimming, playing in the sand, and taking nature walks. Towards the end Miss Z was getting really really fussy and kept scratching on her ear. I took her to the doc yesterday and sure enough, she has a nasty ear infection. She has been doing better today but still more fussy then usual (but I realize our 'usual' is only based on a week with these girls).

Miss M keeps having some nasty meltdowns. It's really tough to see her go through them. I don't want to go into to much detail about them but they make us wonder what in the world has gone on in her little life.

Miss M sat through an entire book with me last night! That was HUGE because when we got her a week ago she was only interested in one-word-per-page books. The one we read last night was by Max Lucado, called Hermie (who writes THE BEST children's books).

We are working on colors with Miss M. Until now everything has been purple in her world. Today's color is yellow. We've been seeing yellow everywhere and I think she finally has it down...for today at least. I think tomorrow we'll try green.

So far half of today has been spent in the bathroom. Miss M found her big girl panties and has been wanting to wear them. I told her as soon as she goes tinkle in the potty she can wear them and get a special treat. She keeps asking me to go to the potty but then nothing...we just sit there. I'm glad she is interested in the potty because those #5 diapers are EXPENSIVE! If any of you have some wisdom of potty training, let me know! I'm not pushing this on her at all though because of so much change she's had recently. She seems to want this on her own so that's why we are trying this out.

I learned today that both the girls LOVE hummus. I sat them down to eat their yummy toddler friendly lunch today but they were much more interested in my hummus and sprouted tortilla chips. Miss M was literally spooning the hummus. She ate 1/2 of the tub!

I've also learned that I cannot get through the day without a good quiet time. Seriously. I'm at my whits end if I try to do this on my own. Thank you Lord for forcing me to be dependent on you.

The last news is that the family ahead of us on the infant list will be getting their infant this week. Our caseworker told me yesterday that they are expecting a birth at the end of the month and another one early July. This means it will be very plausible for us to have 3 under the age of 3 by the end of the month! We are very excited but freaking out just a little bit. But just like everything else with this process, we'll believe it when we see it.


Kelly in Big D said...

Oh! So exciting! We LOVE the Hermie books. If you ever get desperate for some peace and quiet, they make DVDs of that series too. Praying for your sweet little family! Those little girls are just SO tremendously blessed to have you in their lives! Wow. God is good.

Ashley said...

Wow! Lots of amazing things. I'm glad to hear that the kiddos are adjusting a little better. They were so sweet at the retreat. I am really glad I was able to meet them. :)

I will be out of town for two weeks, but please keep me updated if anything huge happens, if you remember. I know for you right now, remembering to eat is probably a struggle! :)

Love you!

Barry Family said...

WOw...what a week! I am thinking of you...potty training is a feat! Really it is just being consistent....staying at home for a few days solid and just really focusing on the potty and helping them realize when they need to go. It is a persistent process...J man thankfully caught on fast and with brides and a sticker worked! However, i know you are dealing with a different situation, but you can always start with a sticker chart with and incentive if she is successful a certain number of times. That is all I got! I am so excited for you and what God is doing!