Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Post #100=Prize Time!

I've been blogging for almost a year, just 3 weeks shy, and this is my 100th post!!! It all started on June 26th, 2008 with this post.

Our life has changed quite a bit since this first post. Our little family has grown 150% by adding a dog in November and then these 2 girls...and a good possibility of another one by the end of the month.

We've ridden a few intense roller coasters over the last 12 months. We rode the 'deployment roller coaster' for about 5 months when we weren't sure if Chase was getting deployed or not. At times it was a daily up and down as he was told he was going one day and told no the next.

We rode the 'fertility roller coaster' with yet another pregnancy and miscarriage.

And finally we most recently rode the 'placement roller coaster' as we were told we would get 2 different sets of sibling groups before the girls we have now.

If you've followed my blog for very long you've been apart of these crazy roller coasters. The good news is that even though there are a lot of scary lows to roller coasters, there is also the thrill of the up climb and the anticipation it brings. We've had a lot of great moments over the last year. We've been able to trust the Lord with our future, BIG TIME, we were able to celebrate life with you through the pregnancy, and now we've had the joy of taking care of 2 precious girls.

What has been your favorite moment in your life over the last 12 months? Post a comment with this answer and I'll do a drawing for a Starbucks or Sonic gift card, your choice!!! It's going to be a hard decision because who doesn't like Starbucks but Sonic does have a great happy hour from 2-4 on their drinks. Post a comment before 7:00PM (Central Standard Time) on Friday, June 12. I'll randomly choose a winner and announce who the blessed individual is on Saturday.


Kim said...

One of the highlights in the past 12 months was having Martin and Dayle here for a visit in August and again in May. I love nothing more than having all of my kiddo's in one location at the same time!

gracechristine22 said...

Can family be apart of the prize winnings?? lol

My highlight was definitely WILDWOOD! I learned so much in that little town and met some of the greatest people there. Spiritually I grew a lot and became even more confident in Christ! Woohoo!

Anonymous said...

I have to say the first time I got my baby to laugh- in october! Of course, having a baby was amazing, but seeing him smile and laugh melts your heart! BTW- I loooove your blog- you are so open and honest and it is sweet to be able to see you go through your journey and pray for you!

Sundee said...

There is no question: Thursday, December 4. I made 3 posts on that day.

I cannot even write this without bursting into the sweetest tears. Not only did I find out I was pregnant completely naturally when doctor's said that IVF was my only hope, but God also revealed to me that this was His plan. He began to give me peace about not being able to have another child and a complete gratefulness for the child He'd already provided. I quit trying. I surrendered to His plan, no matter what it was. Even though that was so hard, I resolved to live with Him than in fighting for a future than I desired. But, He also revealed that this was His plan all along, for He to be in control, not me, not doctors, not medicine, and for so many to know His great love and His great power.

Elizabeth, I'm so thankful our paths have crossed again and we have a way to stay connected. I know our journeys are different, but I am soooo thankful for yours. You have such a beautiful heart.<3

I vote for Starbucks!

Ally said...

I like the posts when you first got Jackson, and of course the ones when you first got the girls!

Chrys and Mike said...

my favorite and most surprising moment was finding out that our baby was alive and well after we thought for sure i was miscarrying again.


Anonymous said...

The best was definitely finding out I'm pregnant again. Yay!

Kim said... don't need to put me in the prize drawing! ;) I just wanted to praise the Lord for something good. HE IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.

Anonymous said...

Hey Elizabeth! I enjoy keeping up with you guys on your blog so much! It is encouraging to see your dependence on the Lord and the great plans He has for you and Chase! :)
I guess my favorite moment happened a few weeks ago when I realized I had survived my very first year of teaching and how much God had blessed me through the opportunity to serve and teach all those kids each day. My school is on an Army base, and it has been so humbling to work daily alongside all the men and women who are serving our country, reaching out to their children. Praying for you and Chase and your precious girls! - Alicia

nikki McWhorter said...

This year has been full of many highlights. Its hard to choose just one. Christmas time when you were in Oregon and I got to know you better, or the day Andrew was born and my dad was the first to hold him, or Ella taking her first step, And many many more. It is so hard to pick just one.

Unknown said...

I look over this past year, which in many ways has been the hardest period of time in my life, and realize maybe the greatest highlight was the countless lessons I learned. While it was physically, spiritally and emotionally draining for me to go through a deployment, I think I learned that God's grace really is sufficient for me. Not the easiest lesson to learn but one that has made life much more enjoyable.
My greatest highlight will take place in just about 12 days when Rob comes home for good! The deployment's over!

Lori Motl said...

My favorite time has been recently where God has shown amazing faithfulness in my layoff and then finding a dream job within two weeks!